as executive coach.
We help People to reach their true Potential and help improve their Performance.
Who are you?
Why are you here?
Where are you going to?
These are important questions that every person should be able to answer, whether it is at work; at home; and within the community.
In 1990 I was asked these same three questions. I arrived as a National Service Chaplain, at an army base on a Saturday afternoon, whilst all the officers were dressed in civilian clothes having a braai (Barbeque). Unaware of the fact that it was the base commander asking the questions, I was able to answer: “I am Wessel Venter, I was sent by the Chaplain General to come and serve as Chaplain in this base.”
As Organizational Coaches, we help people answer these exact questions. With tools we help each person identify their unique attributes; strengths; roles and contribution within their team, whether it be at work, in their marriage or in their community. In doing so we enable them find “their happy place”!
Wessel Venter
internationally accredited
Our role is to
- Help you gain perspective
- Better understand your
- strengths
- behavioral tendencies
- conscious
- unconscious habits
- and Define your ideal self
We enable you to find balance between
- Physical Energy
- Mental Focus
- Emotional Stability
- Spiritual Wellbeing (IKIGAI)
- Relational Goals
- Social Cohesion
- Financial Independence

Executive coaches

Public Speakers

growth facilitators

Business Networkers
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Read some of our
Case studies.
Aligning Your

