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Organizational Coaching

Organizational coaching is all about centres of excellence, high performance teams, making sure that each team member performs optimally!

Strategic Management

We assist organizations to translate their vision into practical strategies.

Contribution Management

Conscious design of all elements Involvement of all levels of colleagues Rigorous application Fair and mindful consequences


Organizational coaching is all about centres of excellence, high performance teams, making sure that each team member performs optimally!

The impact of Organizational coaching is far greater than with individual coaching, as you focus on the individual within his/her role within the team. It is not easy to encourage change if the leadership and the rest of the team is not part and parcel of the intervention.

We all know that every person is unique – with unique abilities, personality styles and contributions. 

If a person understands their own strengths and weaknesses and can clearly define their best possible role and contribution in the team, they could contribute more effectively and with confidence towards the success of the team.

Ultimately it is not about the individual but all about the cause/the organization. If the team succeeds the individual succeeds, and if the organization fails the individual fails. If an individual relates better with a particular client, then it would be best for the cause/organization if those individual approaches the said client.

As organizational coaches we are here to help your team/company perform to the best of their abilities!


A next level take, and step away from traditional (”after-the fact”) Performance Management, characterised by:

What distinguishes Contribution Management from traditional Performance Management?

Conscious design of all elements
Involvement of all levels of colleagues
Rigorous application
Fair and mindful consequences

It requires:


Simply put, we use strategic planning as a technique and or methodology to assist organizations translate their vision into practical strategies and plans to achieve their goals and objectives, embedded in their dreams and aspirations. Strategic planning is a process that seeks to support organizations develop a strategy and a plan with monitoring and evaluation tools and techniques for their organizations. We encourage and assist organizations to develop a vision statement because we believe that vision determines the organization’s direction of travel, which is critical to the success, sustainability, and prosperity of the organization, it is difficult to lead an organization without vision.

We have developed Strategic Planning tools and techniques that can assist organizations find a solution to what could easily be perceived as unimportant or secondary and yet with major consequences if not addressed. We have for many a year observed companies and organizations founded over many decades still driving the vision of the founder, with a vision shared and owned by different senior leadership teams over time. We have equally observed the collapse of organizations that did not focus on driving a clear vision supported by well-crafted strategies and plans to achieve a common goal; our role is to support you overcome these challenges.

Corporate Organizations change their leaders many a time but vison remains a constant, lest a need to review the vision based on internal and external factors. Different leaders will develop their own strategies given the changes in the market environment and political influences but will still drive the same vision if well-articulated.

We would like to take you on a journey that will not only help your organization create wealth and value, but one that will take your organization to the next level and ensure that you gain a competitive edge, stay focused on your aspirations and build a future based on what is achievable, sustainable, excellent and world-class.